- Line A: Signals in these positions (towards a buffer) are okay. Although the train will run at full speed towards the buffer, this has no effect.
- Line B: Signals in these positions (towards platform/buffer) are okay. Platforms automatically reduce trainspeeds. No effect.
- Line C: Problems. With C1 on green, the train will head fullspeed towards C2 (red). When meeting C2, driver uses emergency brakes. You'll be noticed. Effects: it costs you money; the train will not continue for seconds (resetting trainsystem).
- Line D: At D1 the train will continue on medium speed and stop at D2. Okay.
- Line E: At E1 the train will continue on slow speed and stop at E1. Okay.
- Line F: At F1 the train will continue on slow speed and stop(!!) at F2. Okay.
- Line G: At G1 the train will continue on medium speed and stop(!!) at G2. Okay.
- Line H: At H1 the train will continue on full speed and go onto slow speed at H2. Okay.
- Line I: At I1 the train will continue on slow speed and stop(!!) at I2. Okay.
- Line J: At J1 the train will continue on slow speed and go onto full speed at J2. Okay.
- Line K: At K1 the train will continue on slow speed and go onto full speed at K2. Okay.
- Line L: As Line E.
Controlling signals
- Clicking SELECT on main (manual) signals, switches them between full red and full green.
- Clicking ADJUST on main (manual) signals, switches them to full orange.
- Clicking SELECT on sub-signals, switches them between red/orange and full green.
- Clicking ADJUST on sub-signals, switches them to full orange.
When a trains meets a first red/orange subsignal, its speed will be slow. When meeting a second red/orange subsignal thereafter, it will stop.
- Full Green signals: full speed.
- Full Orange sub-signals: medium speed.
- Full Orange main-signals: slow speed.
- Red/Orange sub-signals: slow speed (or stop).
- Full Red signals:: stop.
When meeting a maintenance spot, the speed has to be slow. You'll have to switch the signal before the spot to either red/orange (if it's a sub-signal) or full orange (when it's a main signal).
Green sub-signals will be switched to full orange by the train. When the following signal is a main signal, the subsignal will remain on orange until the train passes the next main signal. As manual main signals stay red until you switch them to green, the previous subsignal will remain orange. One exception is when the manual signal is attached to a platform/siding (the sub-signal will then return to green).